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透過我們的服務, 您可以檢查您產品的效率性能及噪音輸出等級。此外, 我們也可以將您的產品與我們廣大資料庫中的數據進行比較。除了效率與噪音測量, 我們的資料庫也包含了電源所有其他方面的性能數據, 如負載穩壓率 (loadrnregulation)、漣波rn(ripple)、暫態響應(transientrnresponse)、保持時間(hold-uprntime)、功率因素rn(powerrnfactor)等。這使我們能輕鬆核對您產品與競爭對手同類產品rn(甚而更多)的差異對比。我們的資料庫內保留了115VAC和230VAC輸入的測試資料, 而到目前止的過去五年間,  我們評估過由高階至入門款的眾多產品都已上市流通於市場。

ATX v3.x Pass

Cybenetics is officially recognized by Intel, starting from the ATX v3.0 specification.

Cybenetics is officially recognized by Intel, starting from the ATX v3.0 specification. This is one reason that Cybenetics has been pushed to run even more tests on each PSU that it certifies to check if it meets all the requirements of the ATX v3.0 and ATX v3.1 specs, including the transient response tests (or PSU Power Excursions, as the ATX spec calls them), which can reach up to 200% of the PSU’s max power for over 450W PSUs or those that don’t have the 12+4 pin connector.

Cybenetics conducts many tests to check for ATX v3.x compliance, including PSU timings, DC Power Sequence, efficiency at 2% load, inrush currents, load regulation, ripple suppression, turn-on overshoot, and more. Generally, if the PSU doesn’t meet the ATX v3.x requirements, it doesn’t get an ATX v3.x Pass badge. The most challenging requirement so far proved to be the transient response tests. 

ATX v3.1 Spec - Cybenetics

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